Wednesday, September 22, 2010

This is My First Post!

I've decided to quit my job and write a blog. Except for the quitting my job part, since it actually pays pretty well and isn't too annoying. But I am writing a blog. Just not during working hours.  Because that would be wrong.

"What's it about?" you ask? Um... it's about whatever randomly cool things I happen to think of. I will be sharing personal details about my life - except for things like where I live and what I look like, for 3 reasons: 1) I don't need any new stalkers, 2) I still need to appear professional to the people at my aforementioned "real job" so it would be cool if none of them came here and figured out who I am, and 3) I don't think my grandma would like knowing how often I use the word "fuck." But I will be sharing super embarrassing details. The kind that you can't tell your friends or neighbors or coworkers, but that are completely appropriate to share with lots of internet strangers.

So... that's it. Since I only have one post so far, I'm not sure how you found this, but there's nothing else here to read. Go entertain yourself with one of the blogs I like to read, over there -->

1 comment:

  1. Be careful about blogging. It's addictive ;-)

    Thanks for entering my giveaway!
